Back to Life and Weigh In

Well, life has been picking up again.  On Saturday I went to Stamp Club.  On Sunday we skipped church and slept in, but then spent the afternoon at our local YMCA swimming, running, tumbling, and playing badminton.

Today my kids went back to school and it was a very busy day.  We started our day nice and early with a trip to the chiropractor for 7:00 am.  After we were all adjusted and got back home, the oldest three kids packed their bags and headed to school, I threw in a load of laundry and hubby started up the dishwasher.

I dropped my hubby off at the gym and dropped my youngest off at preschool and went grocery shopping.  I got the groceries home and half put away, then located my Froster cup and headed to Mac's for my sweet treat.  Picked up my youngest from preschool, picked up my hubby from the gym, drove home and found a phone message from a friend who was coming to visit this afternoon, which pushed me to clean my house super fast while my hubby made lunch and fed the kids and put away some more groceries.

I then had a fabulous afternoon visit with my friend while our girls played and my hubby ran errands.  When our friends went home, I baked cupcakes with my youngest two and made meatballs for dinner, then made the rest of our dinner components while my oldest switched the laundry around and folded a load for everyone to put away.

Dinner was well received by all, then I cleaned up the dishes and kitchen while the rest of the family watched TV and played on the computer.  Three of the kids then helped me ice a few cupcakes, everyone had one, and then it was time for baths, showers and bedtimes!

This is a regular day for us.  Almost.  For much of the year the kids have evening activities and my hubby has a second job, so it is a little more crazy.  But today was wonderful, amazing, energizing and I loved it.  I had a small amount of anxiety at one point while waiting for my friend to arrive that felt more like an IBS issue than anxiety, and I was okay.

Today I felt hope that I can have a normal life again someday.  A normal life like I see everyone else living.

Needless to say I am exhausted now, but still forced myself to stay up until my regular bedtime to try to keep things regular.  Tomorrow I have some errands to run, including registering my youngest for kindergarten!!

I did my weigh-in on Sunday and came in at 101.5 pounds - for a total 8.5 pound gain.  Yay me!  :)


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