
We have petunias in planters outside of our door.  They smell so wonderful that I sometimes step outside to just breathe in their scent.  They make me so happy. 

We've had flowers there before - my mom got me started on planters on our cement front a few years ago - but there has never been such a wonderful scent there in the air.  I like flowers but not the upkeep, playing in the mud, weeding, or dealing with bugs.  So far, though, my daughter has kept the flowers happy.

My hubby has always wanted a vegetable garden, but I've never really thought it possible here with our limited yard space and crummy soil.  This year, I decided we should try it.

I asked one evening if the family thought we could get rid of the disintegrating playhouse in the backyard and replace it with planter boxes.  Amazingly, the answer was a quick and resounding YES!


My son who loved to climb and jump on that house helped me move it, tear it apart, and throw it into the dumpster. 

My husband got right to work designing the planters, and took our oldest son out to purchase the materials within two days.  He had never constructed anything big from wood before.  Hubby and our third-born spent a day with power tools cutting and drilling.  I'm so proud of their fabulous work!

A friend and her beau had soil left over from a recent project they had done and generously shoveled it into their truck, brought it into the city for me, and shoveled it into the completed planters.

And then my man, my almost-man and my girl planned and planted and watered.

A few weeks later, green bits are poking from the dirt.  It is really exciting for me to see this - I've never eaten food grown in my own backyard before. 

What did my family plant in our garden?  Peas, cucumbers, spinach, corn, potatoes, onions, garlic chives, basil, and carrots.  We also have a pepper plant and a tomato plant.  I'm looking forward to sampling, and I can't wait to see which plants thrive and what just doesn't work out.  Lessons for next year.

I am enthralled by the growth of these plants - all of them.  The beauty of the flowers that are so bright and delicious, and watching the miracle unfold as seeds become food.  Seeing my family work together to build and tend these fragile living all fills my heart with love and pride and joy.

Yes, I think that growth has blessed - and will continue to bless - me this summer.  Beauty and miracles indeed.


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