This past week has been perfectly lovely.
On the way home from our vacation, we were able to meet up with my mom and uncle, who were traveling the same journey in the opposite direction. We all had lunch together, and everyone made it to their respective homes safely despite weather and construction.
It was a relatively smooth week at work with enough tasks to keep me busy. It was nice to come back and chat with my co-workers, and I also had a work visit from a friend who I hadn't seen in a very long time, and don't see nearly enough.
Having my kids all back home after a month away feels really good. While I wasn't heartbreakingly sobbing that they were away on vacation having fun without me, I did notice that life was a lot less fun without them around. They are sweet and generous lights in my life, and I love to listen to all they have to say all the time, and also really missed their hugs and help with housework. LOL
I got to workout with my fave workout buddy twice this week, and giggle over texts about our inability to walk down stairs painlessly. The best kind of hurt.
Hubby and I took some friends and co-workers out for lunch, to my favourite restaurant. It is great to go out together and sit and chat; we lunched with another co-worker the next day.
I got some great news this week, that has me just so excited for a family member and new beginnings!
My kids all got to hang out with their best buds, which fills our home with an air of happiness.
My friend and neighbor did some fancy henna art on my hand while we visited. I have been wanting to get some henna art done for probably three years now, but didn't know where I could get it done. Now I know exactly whom to ask, and that great conversation is part of the deal.
My teen treated the whole family to snacks and drinks to sweeten up our movie night.
The lows: A sinus infection that I've been battling for 4+ weeks now has become more than a stuffy nose and an occasionally sore ear, and now I have to actually do something about it.
Hubby driving past the house that was almost ours on the day we should have gotten possession and seeing the sold sign.
News from a friend recovering from surgery that she has a new infection. I've not yet found a way to help out, and I wish I could brighten her day a little. Maybe prayer is the answer.
And speaking of prayer, I recommitted to seeking Jesus this week. I have felt so lost in this regard for so long now. Our church is currently meeting on Sunday evenings in a home, so I thought I'd attend a big church service somewhere on Sunday morning to be just surrounded and immersed in God's glory, with people praising out loud and a different style of sermon delivered from a different pastor. All this to see if there could be any spark ignited... I left the church service downhearted, flat, and feeling badly about myself, but at the same time, another part of me fighting the voice that was dissing me.
Our own church service and visiting was awkward and uncomfortable. I need to find a way to feel comfortable in God's church community again. I used to belong there. I know I'll keep trying, because He is part of me. I hope the comfort will eventually return.
My YMCA pass expired recently and this week I tried to renew it. I was surprised with the fact that since our financial situation hadn't been reassessed in over a year, I could not renew my pass or use it anymore, effective immediately. The knowledge that we are much "richer" now than we were when we originally applied, and knowing that we will still not be able to afford to pay full price kind of hit me in the heart. I brought in new application documents the next day, and am eagerly awaiting the news to know if I'll be able to return.
Finally, it has been a big week for breakups in my circle of acquaintances. Tonight is Monday, and I've heard of three since Friday, and of one shortly before.
Despite all this, the positive has ruled my week, and I was strong enough mentally to own the idea that we are not moving from this condo and it is time to start unpacking all that we packed up. I sold exercise equipment (which was taking up space that can be used for something more important to us). I let our generous friend know that her garage will be emptied of our things by the end of the month.
With hubby's help, I have started down the path of creating a less-chaotic school year for our family, and will be working to make our new normal happen by September. Less money, more life is the current plan.
There will be goodness in this coming week, and it's already started with tentative plans with my besties, and with my hubby stepping up to fill in for me in a volunteer position that I signed up for but don't want to do. He really loves me, sacrifices for me, and he loves our family fiercely, and we are so blessed that he is ours. <3
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