Yesterday my daughter came home from her friend's house with a hoarse voice. This morning I took her to the doctor. She has the beginnings of a flu.
Last night she slept in my hubby's and my bed. Three of us, plus the dog. It was really hot in our room, and someone outside our open window was smoking pot. I did not fall asleep until after 5:00 am.
Yesterday I spent the day cleaning the basement. It started with a temper tantrum over my child pulling stuff out of the storage area and not returning it. So I did it, and then kept going.
I discovered that our poison mouse traps in the basement are completely empty of poison. That means they are still here. Today, as if confirming, I found mouse poop in our cupboard. Which is not in the basement.
Also while cleaning, I chased several giant spiders with Raid.
I have given up on the lice fight. I hope they are gone. I just can't keep going with the combing anymore.
And I have an inkling that there may be bedbugs in our home. A child stayed at a dorm in another province this summer and I *might* have found a suspicious-looking beetle different from all the others that frequent our place on the couch where said child spent some nights.
Last night as I was not sleeping, I was itching. I could feel crawling, tingles, tiny pains like bites on my feet and legs and ears.
I'm suspecting the dog has fleas as well, as he is always so itchy. Perhaps my lice is actually fleas because the dog insists on sleeping on my pillow until I push him away at bedtime. I think we finally got the skunk smell dealt with, but no one has done anything about the skunk and now the dog can't go into the backyard at night. Too bad the skunk spray didn't deal with the fleas.
I am so freaking fed up with all this. I wish I could clear it all away and have a fresh start. So tired.
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